
Q: I do the same work as someone in my department, except that he has a diploma. Can I get a diploma for my skills and knowledge? A: There is an option called ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’. You will have to find the qualification(s) which your skill set fits and do tests to demonstrate that you have them, but it can be done. For more information, click here: For a list of SETAs and contact numbers:

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Q: How can I improve my chances at a job without a degree or diploma? A: Make a start with a short skills course. There are different kinds: Most TVET Colleges (public and private) and Universities offer many short (1 year to 30 hours) skills courses. Go online and search for all the institutions in your area here: SHORT COURSES AS PART OF A BIGGER QUALIFICATION Quite often the course is part of of a larger certificate or diploma. These parts are called Unit Standards. Welding, for example, is registered as National Certificate: Welding Application and Practice Number 57881…

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Q: How do I answer a job advertisement? A: Here are some pointers: Slow down and take the time to do it properly. Have the right mindset: your response needs to meet the needs of the employer, not your own. Don’t waste time talking about what you want or need. Make a note of every single word and phrase in the ad. Try to assess what the important parts are: you need to meet those requirements 100%. Do not apply when you are clearly under qualified. Tip: The most important requirements are usually listed first. Try to assess what the…

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Q I have been job-hunting for a long time with no success and feel depressed. A: Here are some ideas to keep your spirits up Think of job hunting as being your job. It is a job because you are employed by yourself! J. Start at 9 every morning as though you were at work and end at 5 in the afternoon. That action alone will make you feel better. Create a daily and weekly and monthly schedule of things to do. There is nothing more positive than identifying all your Transferable skills. You will find that this task can…

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TVET Q: Missed out on admission elsewhere in the beginning of the year? A: You have another chance at TVET colleges which have a 2nd Semester in July. Educational institutions divide their year into two, and some of them start a second academic year in July. Phone your choice of TVET college to see if they have a 2nd semester PUBLIC TVET COLLEGES PRIVATE TVET COLLEGES

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Q: Where can I get help to start a small business? A: Here are some resources THE BUSINESS PLACE NETWORK one-stop shop walk-in centres across the country. Coordinated business support; Incubation; Mentorship; Market linkages; and Financing interventions. TBPN also assists entrepreneurs with tender application processes, assisting them to unlock opportunities in the public and private sector. In addition services include: Accounting and financial reporting Taxation Business consultancy Secretarial services Centres throughout South Africa can be found here: SEDA (Small Enterprise Development Agency) is an agency of the Department of Small Business Development. Seda’s mission is to develop,…

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Q: How do I plan my revision time before writing exams? A: It helps to be organized and prepared. A timetable like the one above, is useful. You need to create your own timetable, to suit your own needs. You may want to start earlier or later, or have a nap in the afternoon and to push on later into the night, for example. Or you may want to maintain the schedule over the weekend. These are some things to keep in mind: Get everything ready before the time: pens, pencils, books, papers and a drink so that you start…

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Q: How many pages should my CV be? A: Most employers will spend ONLY one minute on your CV, so how you present yourself on paper is very important. It is one time where LESS IS MORE! Employers and Human Resource Managers are busy people. For every job advertised they can receive hundreds of CVs and they go through them rapidly to see whether you match their requirements. To make their jobs easier do this: No cover page with just your name on it. It wastes time scrolling down. If you prove worthy of further attention, the CV would be…

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Q: Why you must not pay Recruitment agencies! A:  This is what the Department of Labour (which registers private recruitment agencies) says about charging of fees by private employment agencies: ‘No person may charge a fee to any work seeker for providing employment services to that work seeker.’ (Act No. 4 of 2014: Employment Services Act, 2014) We have seen recruitment agency advertise juicy jobs, only when you phone they say ‘That one is taken, but if you pay R200 (or R500) we can put you on the the list for another job.’ Job seekers who pay never get the…

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