OFO No: 226903
Other names for Podiatrist:
- Chiropodist
- Podiatric Surgeon
Youtube clip – Looking at the career of a Podiatrist
For training options in South Africa – scroll down
What is a Podiatrist?
Podiatrists are highly trained medical professionals.
Podiatrists treat lower-leg conditions such as knock-knees, inwardly turned feet, skin infections, diabetes, arthritis, circulation problems, and sports injuries.
They also treat foot and leg disorders in children, older people, or disabled people.
Areas of podiatry:
- General foot problems
- Growth and development
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Circulation problems
- Sports injuries
They may refer the patient to a medical specialist, if they find symptoms of other problems.
Podiatry is a challenging career for someone who wants to work in the medical field and can be financially rewarding.
What does a Podiatrist do?
- discusses treatments options with patients
- advises patients on foot care
- carries out a range of treatments using scalpels, chemicals and occasionally local anaesthetics
- provides long-term care for people at high risk of foot injury or disability, such as people with diabetes
- performs minor surgery such as removing bunions
- screens children for foot problems
- diagnoses and treats sports injuries
- educates the public about the importance of healthy feet
Are you . . . ?
- interested in working in the medical industry?
- willing to work with feet and legs?
- happy to work with people of all ages?
- patient?
- caring?
- responsible?
How do I become a Podiatrist?
You will need a successfully complete a 4 year BTech Podiatry programme.
If you want to, you can complete a MTech too.
- University of Johannesburg
Once qualified you will need to apply to the HPCSA to be awarded designation. Only then can you use the title: Professional Podiatrist.
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education. CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.
- PASA: Podiatry Association of South Africa
This is the official website of the Podiatry Association of South Africa, which represents podiatrists around the country.
- HPCSA: Health Professions Council of South Africa
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Audiologist or Physiotherapist
Is becoming a Podiatrist the right career choice for me?