
The school Principal is an educational leader who is responsible for managing the staff, policies, regulations, and procedures to ensure that all students are supervised in a safe learning environment and given all the support neccessary to learn.


School principals are responsible for the overall performance and reputation of their school and must ensure that the school is managed effectively.

The principal heads up a team of HOD’s (heads of department)  who work together to direct and nurture all members of the school staff, as well as the scchool learners.



  • Manage budgets
  • Manage and encourage staff
  • Organise and plan school programmes
  • Provide leadership to educators and learners
  • Ineract with parents
  • Organise security to ensure safety of learners 
  • Manage school discipline
  • Manage admin and write managment reports  

School principles must also encourage educators and learners to practise self-discipline and respect at all times.