
8A Bodenstein Street

Phone: +27(0) 15 291 4688
Fax: +27(0) 15 291 4677
email: abcdev@abakholwe.co.za

Academy of Business and Computer Studies:E/Cape

African Global Skills Academy,african-global-skills-academy,586,”

Tel: (041) 585 8290, Fax: (086) 600 1032, Physical Address: 335 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth

“, “Tel: (041) 585 8290, Fax: (086) 600 1032, Physical Address: 335 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth”,published,,eadmin
African Spirit Trading 327,african-spirit-trading-327,578,”


Academy of York (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 280 Kent Avenue, Randburg, 2194
Email Address: info@aoy.co.za
Tel: 086 123 YORK (9675)
Fax : 086 523 8077

Afedile M Learning Centre (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Plot 10 Old Vereeniging / Johannesburg Road ,Walkerville,1876, South Africa.
Email: info@afedilem.co.za
Tel: 011 949 4321/ 011 949 2925
Fax: 086 567 7784

Africa School of Missions

Academy of Business and Computer Studies,academy-of-business-and-computer-studies,578,”

gauteng, KZN, EC

“, “gauteng, KZN, EC”,published,,eadmin
African Academy for Computer Assisted Engineering,african-academy-for-computer-assisted-engineering,578,”



Apollo Technical College (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 601 Centrakor Building, 173 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001
Email: apollotechnicalcollege@gmail.com
Tel: 012 326 9797/ 012 320 3691
Fax: 086 667 6825/ 086 657 8936

ARWYP Training Institute (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 20 Pine Avenue,Kempton Park, 1619
Email: arwyp@arwyp.com
Tel: 011 922 1235 or 011 922 1000
Fax: 011 922 1222 or 011 922 1411

Aryan Benevolent Home ABH Nursing School

Academy for Construction skills: E/Cape,academy-for-construction-skills-ecape,578,”

eastern cape, western cape

“, “eastern cape, western cape”,published,,eadmin
Academy of Advanced Technology:Gauteng,academy-of-advanced-technologygauteng,578,”



Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Aurecon Centre, Lynwood, Lynwood
Bridge Office Park, 4 Daventry Street,Lynwood Monor, 0081
Email: tshwane@aurecongroup.com
Tel:012 427 2000
Fax: 086 613 1309 or 086 556 0521

Beier Envirotec (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 40 Gillitts Road, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal
Tel: 031 710 0400
Fax: 031 700 5222/3126

Belcomec Training (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Ossie Urban Street, George Industria, George, 6529
Email: ronel@belcomectraining.co.za or frik@belcomectraining.co.za
Cell: 082 5710 695
Tel: 044 874 0018
Fax: 044 873 4207 or 0866 017 854

Belgotex Floorcoverings (Pty)) Ltd

Physical Adress:20 Chesterfiled Road, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
email: belgotex@carpet.co.za
Tel: +27 (33) 897 7500
Fax: +27 (33) 897 7700

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Norwich House Cnr. 78 Oxford Street, 2nd
Floor, Cnr Gladstone & Oxford Street, East London
Tel: +27 (043) 722 1829
Fax: +27 (043) 722 3534
Cell: +27 79 449 4938
Email: eastlondon@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd Durban

Address: Hollandia House(opp ICC building),
95 Pine street,
1st floor

Tel: +27 (031) 368 1972

Fax: +27 (031) 368 1971

Cell :+27 82 225 5372

Email: durban@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd: JOHANNESBURG

Address: 4526 RSA Centre,
11th Floor, Crn jorissen & melle street,
opp nando’s, Braamfontein,

Tel: +27 (011) 339 8741

Fax:+27 (011) 339 4676

Cell: +27 76 049 5043.

Email: braamfontein@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd:NELSPRUIT

Address: Wilmar Building, 2nd Floor,
24 Anderson Str. Cnr. Voortrekker

Tel: (013) 752 8264

Fax: (013) 752 4279

Cell: +27 72 366 8913

Email: nelspruit@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd:POLOKWANE

Address: Amnab Building,
11 Groble Street,
Cnr paul Kruger Street

Tel: +27 (015) 291 5559

Fax: +27 (015) 291 5678

Cell: +27 76 138 6727

Email: polokwane@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd:PRETORIA

Address: 239 Pretorius Street, 2nd Floor, Southern Life Building,
Pretoria 0001

Tel: +27 (012) 324 0206

Fax: +27 (012) 324 3465

Cell: +27 71 648 4222

Email: info@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd:RUSTENBURG

Address: Old Saambou Building,
Ground floor shop No: 129,
46 Boom Street, Cnr. Fatima Bhayati

Tel: +27 (014) 5926704

Fax: +27 (014) 5928491

Cell: +27 76 049 5042

Email: rusternburg@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

Brooklyn City College (Pty) Ltd:VEREENIGING

Address: Cnr. Kruger & Voortrekker Str.,
Opposite Wimpy, on-top of
Spur Restaurant, 2nd Floor

Tel: (016) 422 8558

Cell: 076 889 4509

Fax: (016) 422 8587

Email: vereeniging@brooklyncitycollege.co.za

CBM Training (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Pellmeadow Office Park,60 Civin Drive, Bedfordview,2008
TEL: (011) 454-5505
FAX: 086 687 2468
E-MAIL: info@cbm-training.co.za

Colliery Training College

Compass Academy of Learning,compass-academy-of-learning,578,”



Concept Interactive (Cape) (Pty) Ltd

physical address:1st Floor, The Palms Centre,145 Sir Lowry Street,Woodstock,Cape Town,7925
Tel:+27 (0)21 461 3371
fax:+27 (0)86 519 7008 or +27 (0)21 461 3307
e-mail: info@conceptinteractive.net

Coricraft Group (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address:28 Christian Avenue, Epping 2, 7475
Tel: 021 505 6640 or 021 852 0786
Fax: 086 542 0825 or 021 852 0887
Email: somersetmall@coricraft.co.za

Crossley Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 2096 Old South Road, Reunion, Durban,4001
Tel: 031 910 6500
Fax: 031 910 6600
Email: tasneem@crossleysa.com, marshall@crossleysa.com

CTU Training Solutions

Damelin – Cape Town,damelin-cape-town,578,”

Tel: (021) 422-3950, Fax: (021) 422-4187, E-mail: capetowncity@damelin.co.za, Physical Address: 68 St George’s Mall, Cape Town 8000

“, “Tel: (021) 422-3950, Fax: (021) 422-4187, E-mail: capetowncity@damelin.co.za, Physical Address: 68 St George’s Mall, Cape Town 8000″,published,,eadmin
Early Learning Resource Unit,early-learning-resource-unit,578,”



Customer Centric Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Isle of Houghton, Harrow Court 2,, 20
Boundary Road, Parktown, 2193
Tel: +27 11 484 9555
Fax: +27 11 484 9556
Email: info@ccs-gazing.co.za

Damelin – Benoni

Tel: (011) 749-2000, Fax: (086) 540-3371, E-mail:
benoni@damelin.co.za, Physical Address: 61 Princess Avenue

Damelin – Mowbray

Tel: (021) 681-6000, Fax: (021) 686-8383, E-mail: capetown@damelin.co.za, Physical Address: 12 Liesbeek Parkway
Mowbray, Cape Town

Dano Textiles Industries (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address:1 Anderson Rd, Hammarsdale, Cato Ridge, 3699
Phone: 031 736 2150
Fax: 031 736 2316
Email: balladon@glodina.co.za, glodina@glodina.co.za

Delcom Training Institute (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 53 Corner Eloff & Commissioner Street,
712 His Majesty’s Building, Johannesburg,
Fax: 011 331 6341
Phone: 011 331 6341
Email: sales@delcom.co.za

Derlon Spinning (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 7 Rooi Street, Ezakheni, Industial Area, 3370
Tel:036 634 1841
Fax: 036 634 1679
Email: derlon@ls.lia.net

Desto (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 238 Maroela road,Hennopspark, Centurion, Pretoria, Gauteng,0157, South Africa
Tel: 012 6540001/9
Fax: 012 6540051 / 0865278473
Cell: 0828707255 / 0826111358
E-mail: info.headoffice@desto.co.za

Ditasa (Pty) Ltd

Physical address: Jigsaw Park, 7 Einstein Street,Highveld Techno Park, Centurion,0169

Telephone: +27 (0)12 682 9580
Facsimile: +27 (0)12 682 9581
E-mail: info@ditasa.co.za

Dragon Precision Engineering (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: 217 Loakop Road, Estcourt, 3310
Phone: 036 352 4825, 036 352 4826, 036 352 4827
Fax: 036 352 5721
Email: archie@dragonengineering.co.za

DSDC College of SA (Pty) Ltd

287 Pretorius Street, 4th Floor,
Media House (FNB Passage)
Pretoria, Gauteng Province
Tel: (012) 326 8026
Fax: 086 514 0427
Cell: 082 361 7164
E-mail: info@dsdccollege.co.za

Dyefin Textiles (Pty) Ltd

Phone: 031 904 1547
Fax: 031 904 1567
Cell: 083 626 5046
Email: dyefin@dyefin.co.za
Physical Address:16 Malcolm Road, Westmead, Pine Town,

Dyna Training (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address: Unit D7, Collingwood Building, Observatory, 7441
Tel: 021 447 6547
Fax: 086 512 8259
Email: info@dyna-training.co.za

Dyna Training (Pty) Ltd: GP

Tel: 011 315 5015
Fax: 011 315 7641 | 0866 218 468
Email: info@dynatraining.co.za
Postal Address: Box 4195, Halfway House, 1685

Early Learning Resources Unit

Physical address:9 Flamingo Crescent Lansdowne Cape Town, 7780
Tel: +27 (0)21 762 7500
Fax: +27 (0)21 762 7528
Email: info@elru.co.za

Edutel Services Company (Pty) Ltd

Physical Address:Bankfin Building, 1st Floor, Cnr Mouton
and Bickel Roads, Horison, 1734
Telephone: + 27 11 760 4251 or + 27 11 768 1211
Fax: + 27 11 760 4253 or +27 11 768 1248
Email: edutel@iafrica.com