Live chat is fast becoming a leader in BPO customer service. We live in a digital landscape, where people prefer to text than talk. So, with that in mind, here are 15 top live chat tips to help you deliver superior online service.
1. Introduce yourself by name
Names add a much needed human touch to a distant, electronic interaction. Let the customer know you’re a real person – not a bot.
2. Use a typing indicator
That way, the customer knows you’re there and responding in real-time – rather than being left wondering whether you’re still actively engaged in the chat.
3. Avoid using CAPS
(They make it look like you’re SHOUTING.) Needless to say, your customers don’t want to be shouted at.
4. Embrace the emoji
People understand emojis. As well as adding clarity, they also show your human, friendly side.
5. Don’t neglect grammar
You can be sociable without being sloppy. It’s important to keep live chats as personable as possible, but don’t forget to be professional, too.
6. Check chat history
Return customers don’t want to reintroduce and repeat themselves time and again. So, check chat history to ensure you have their details to hand.
7. Keep a consistent chat tone
For a streamlined customer journey, the tone of voice used in chat sessions should match the tone you use on your website, social channels, emails, and all your branded materials.
8. Respond within 60 seconds
Customers use live chat for its immediacy. If you’re not responding within the minute mark, you’re giving your customers a false promise.
9. Avoid jokes or sarcasm
Humour often gets lost in translation during chat sessions – the participants don’t know each other and don’t have visual cues to rely on.
10. Be engaging
Chat is ultimately just that: chat. So, treat this less like a formal pitch or training session and more like a two-way conversation.
11. Keep the customer informed
If you need 2 minutes to find out some information – let the customer know that there’ll be a slight wait. It’s courteous and prevents frustration.
12. Give the user a heads-up
If you’re sending a file or a link, let them know precisely what you’re doing beforehand. With so much online malware, customers won’t appreciate anything unexpected.
13. Give people time to respond
Don’t be a “machine gun” messenger. Sending multiple questions to a user before they’ve had to answer feels like an interrogation – not a chat.
14. Manage your status
Dealing with 5-6 chats at once? Set your status to ‘busy’. At lunch? Set it to ‘away’. You don’t want to be receiving chats that you can’t respond to.
15. Close with something sincere and specific
End the chat on a high by thanking the visitor for their time and making them feel appreciated. Happy customers are loyal customers.