10 common marketing mistakes and how you can fix them
As a consultant, business growth strategist and results multiplier, I constantly encounter clients and prospects making one, some or all of the following common marketing mistakes:
Mistake 1: Not testing all of your marketing ideas.
Corrective action: Test and measure all of your marketing.
Mistake 2: Small or medium-sized businesses who waste vast amounts of money on image and brand advertising.
Corrective action: Run only Direct Response Advertising. Invest in advertising that highlights powerful benefits, a strong offer, providing powerful reasons why people must buy your products or services, plus supported by a clear-call-to-action. Your advertising must sell your products or services or you are wasting your money.
Mistake 3: Not articulating or demonstrating the differences that your business offers.
Corrective action: Develop a powerful Unique Selling Proposition and use it in all your marketing.
Mistake 4: Not understanding your customer and their needs and desires.
Corrective action: Clearly determine and address the real needs of your clients and prospects.
Mistake 5: Not making doing business with your company easy, appealing and even fun.
Corrective action: Make doing business with your business easy, appealing and fun.
Mistake 6: Stopping marketing campaigns that are still working. Corrective action: Don’t stop marketing campaigns that are still working just because you are tired of them. I assure you that you clients or prospects have not seen them as much as you.
Mistake 7: Not capturing prospects’ addresses, email addresses as well as pertinent and valuable contact information.
Corrective action: Capture everything on a prospect or client that you can in an organised and retrievable system.
Mistake 8: Being stuck doing “what works.”
Corrective action: Always be open to new ideas, innovations and be willing to change.
Mistake 9: Not knowing and leveraging the lifetime value of a client.
Corrective action: Always understand the lifetime value of your clients. This way you will understand and serve them better.
Mistake 10: Not being strategic.
Corrective action: You MUST have a detailed, strategic marketing plan with specific performance growth expectations.
In your marketing you have the greatest upside leverage environment imaginable. Improve your marketing and you will improve your profits.