Are you 40 years or older and looking for a job?
Silver Mettle is a job-hunting resource for people beyond the age of 40. It was created by Lizanne Barnett who says; ‘Job hunters beyond 40, 50 or 60 sometimes feel as though they have arrived on a different planet. None of the things they knew about job hunting, work anymore and it is frustrating and depressing.
Not only do they need to update their job hunting skills but they also need to sell their experience in a different way. My Job-hunting Programme helps them do that. It is highly individual and aims to get people into a job as soon as possible. It is also inexpensive.’
Job Hunting Programme
The aim is to get you into a job as quickly as possible!
You know that sending gazillions of CVs into cyberspace does not work. And you know that all the things you remember about job-hunting are not working, either.
In short, this is a different planet for most +40-year-olds. Because I have traveled there and back, I am able to guide you to success! (See more about my journey below.) Follow my programme you will get a job! That is my promise!
Job-Hunting Consulting – Online
For R100 at a time I will send you personal job hunting advice which works, and tasks which will rapidly move you forward. If you find a job after two weeks, as one client did, you only pay R200!
Depending on your circumstances and needs, the following steps may not be in this order. Note – with each new instruction I will send you a new invoice.
CV Assessment:
- Send me your CV (preferably a word document) and 50-100 words about the job you are looking for. If it has a job title, include that. I will send you an assessment. If it needs changes or a more modern presentation, I will include a sample CV.
- Job hunting schedules – what really works.
- Tasks
Prep 1: All about you
- Using your experience to the best effect – transferable skills.
- Creating a short ‘advertisement’ to put on our website.
- Creating a job objective.
- Tasks
Prep 2: The truth about job-hunting
- The success rate of different methods.
- Researching the job market using the most successful methods.
- Tasks
Prep 3: All about the employer
- Meeting the needs of the employer
- Résumés are what you need at this stage of your life.
- Letters of motivation.
- Tasks.
Prep 3: Becoming an expert opportunity seeker
- Building alternative job-hunting resources.
- Finding the employer
- Approaching employers directly.
- Tasks.
Opportunity Hunting: Putting into practice.
Throughout I will be a coach to guide and motivate you to achieve your goal, until you reach your goal.
Click here for more information