Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic

What is an Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic?

They can work in one or two fields:

  • Refrigeration
  • Air-conditioners
  • Ventilation systems

They install, repair and maintain the air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment used in a wide range of areas, for example:  large computer rooms, hospitals, supermarkets, large corporation offices, humidors (places where they keep cigars) etc.  Actually, anywhere the temperature of place must be regulated, that’s where a Refrigeration / Air Conditioning Mechanic will find work.

A good knowledge of electrical principles is essential as Refrigeration Mechanics must be able to trace a fault and make repairs and adjustments.  These may be electrical or mechanical.

Refrigeration Mechanics may work in workshops or on the premises of refrigeration or air-conditioning companies.

What does an Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic do?

  • reading and interpretation of mechanical, electrical and architectural drawings
  • installing of new equipment
  • being responsible for the electrical wiring of the installation
  • soldering and copper welding of equipment
  • maintaining specific temperature and humidity conditions
  • tracing faults and fixing them
  • servicing and doing routine maintenance on equipment
  • keeping records of work done

Are you …?

  • good with your hands?
  • good at mathematics?
  • mechanically inclined?
  • electrically inclined?
  • observant?
  • responsible?
  • safety-conscious?
  • willing to work unusual hours?
  • able to read mechanical drawings and technical information?

How do I become an Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic?

Further Education and Training Colleges (FET) offer programmes for specific Trade or Skills set such as air-conditioning & refrigeration mechanics. We advise contacting these institutions directly.

Visit the Career Planet Training Institutions page to find your nearest FET College.

Here are a few examples:

  • ACRA: Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Academy (merSETA accredited)



  • SAIRAC: The South African Institute of. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


You may find apprenticeship positions too.  Keep a look out for them on our website.


OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER:  Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic or Pipe Fitter

Is becoming av Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic the right career choice for me?

See below for more info.