Automotive Body Repairer
OFO No: 684905
Other names for Automotive Body Repairer:
- Auto Body Assembler
- Bus Coach Builder
- Coach Builder
- Metal Caravan Builder
- Metal Coach and Carriage Builder
- Motor Body Builder
- Motor Vehicle Body Builder
- Truck Builder
- Vehicle Body Builder (Composite)
- Vehicle Body Builder (Metal)
- Vehicle Builder
Youtube clip – Merseta’s: Vehicle Body Builder
What is an Automotive Body Repairer?
Automotive Body Repairers repair damage to metal, plastic and fibreglass bodywork on different types of vehicles.
They also produce their own vehicle panels by using machines or hand tools.
What does an Automotive Body Repairer do?
- removes and repairs damaged vehicle panels and components with specialist tools and equipment
- welds
- repairs dents in surfaces using power and hand tools
- fits the repaired panels on the framework of the vehicle
- refits body hardware, such as door locks and door trims
- replaces badly damaged sections with new or second-hand panels
- realigns chassis and body frames
- removes and replaces accident-related mechanical items
- removes and replaces auto-electric components
- helps vehicle body builders to build custom-designed, speciality or vintage vehicles
- assists with spray painting vehicles
Are you … ?
- passionate about cars?
- good at practical and manual work?
- able to work with hand tools and machines?
- good at hand-eye coordination?
- able to visualise concepts and the end product?
- good at technical activities and technical drawings?
- a perfectionist?
How do I become an Automotive Body Repairer?
Approved and accredited MerSETA training companies: Type your trade choice in and click on FIND.
- Apprenticeship
- Trade Test
- Learnership – Automotive Components (Manufacturing and Assembly) Level 3, 3 and 4
- Trade Test
- Learnership – Automotive Manufacturing and Assembly (Vehicle Assembly) Level 2, 3 and 4
- Trade Test
- Learnership – Automotive Manufacturing and assembly (Paint Operations) Level 2, 3 and 4
- Trade Test
- Learnership – Automotive Manufacturing and assembly (Body Construction) Level 2, 3 and 4
- Trade Test
- Learnership – CNC Production Machining NQF Level 2, 3 and 4
- Trade Test
- RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) for Artisans: CLICK HERE
- If you have already been working a long time as a Automotive Body Repairer without qualifications, you may be able to get your qualification through RPL
- Trade Test
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.
Here’s one example:
Offers a 1 year (6 months at college, 6 months in the workplace) programme: National Certificate: Automotive Body Repair NQF Level 2
Minimum requirements: Grade 9 or Level 1 or equivalent.
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Automotive Mechanic … or … Armature Winder
Is becoming a Automotive Body Repairer the right career choice for me?