Shelf Packer
OFO No: 741101
What is a Shelf Packer?
A Shelf Packer packs and stacks shelves with product in:
- grocery stores
- hardware stores
- computer stores
- chemists etc
They are responsible for making sure new goods replace purchased ones and that they are in the correct place.
Shelf Packers spend a lot of time on their feet, lifting and organizing merchandise.
What does a Shelf Packer do?
- loads goods off trucks
- maps out where each item is located in the store
- checks expiry dates and removes ‘old’ or rotten items
- stacks product in a nice and organised fashion
- puts wrong items back in the right location (i.e. nappies in the fruit section – it happens!)
Are you … ?
- physically fit?
- prepared to work odd hours?
- neat and organized?
- fast when working with your hands?
- someone with good people skills?
- observant?
How do I become a Shelf Packer?
Minimum requirements:
One does NOT need a matric. It’s advisable to have at least a Grade 10 with mathematics or maths literacy. You should be able to read and write.
Many stores will provide in-store training that suits their needs. Every store has their own way of laying out their products.
If a Shelf Packer shows commitment, hard work and initiative, the company may send them on training courses. These courses may help the Shelf Packer work their way up to more senior positions.
With hard work and determination, a Shelf Packer may end up being a Store Manager or go even higher.
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Cashier and Delivery Person
Is becoming a Shelf Packer the right career choice for me?
01-04-2015 – Posted on Facebook