Getting to know who you are at your core can happen by luck, or it could flow from your natural talents and strengths. If you are truly gifted in mathematics, or art, the seeds of your future career could already be planted. If your life is affected by an event or circumstance you feel strongly about, you could make it your mission to get involved in that area of interest.
There are, however, strategies and tactics you can apply to direct your own process of self-discovery, leaving little to chance or luck.
Don’t be afraid to accept compliments
Sometimes it feels uncomfortable to agree with someone who compliments us. We tend to go naaa, I’m not that good, or change the subject. Don’t! Be aware of your own strengths; it is the foundation of your self-confidence.
“Listen” to your emotions
When you are deeply happy with something you are doing, or feel connected to someone or something, pay attention. These are clues to who your true self might be. Even bad emotions can steer you toward your own truth; if something makes you angry or afraid, these are things you might need to confront, or change, or accept. Self-discovery is about paying attention to the things that make you feel.
What are you thinking?
Mindfulness. Yes, It is a new buzzword, but it is rooted in solid truths. It’s about paying attention to what you think and how you react to everything in your every day. Knowing how you feel about situations that arise at any given moment creates a better understanding of yourself.
You can practice mindfulness by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment.
Research has proven that being connected to your thoughts and feelings at all times reduces stress and helps prevent depression. So next time you go for a walk, or a drive, or are in the classroom, stay in the moment! Appreciate and absorb everything!
Mistakes are your friends.
Making mistakes is a fundamental part of learning. Even in the animal world (and in our own distant past) learning how to avoid blundering is an essential survival tool. In fact, we simply cannot learn or grow, unless we make mistakes and work out how to avoid doing the same thing next time. That’s life. So make friends with your mistakes. They’re going to be around for a long time to come!