Air Brush Artist









Youtube clip of an airbrush artist in action


 What is an Airbrush Artist?

An Airbrush Artist uses a special air-compressed brush to do their artwork and designs. Airbrushed work is usually very recognisable.

In the past, Airbrush Artists used to only use their skill to restore damaged photographs, but today a skilled Airbrush Artist will be found working in the film and television industry as well as in theatres.

They paint sets and props used in productions.
Some Airbrush Artists are known for customising or ‘pimping’ motor vehicles and bikes with original designs. One often sees ‘rushing flames’, dragons, monsters, skulls etc decorating these vehicles – all of which have been done by Airbrush Artists.
A make-up Airbrush Artist applies make-up and ‘tan’ with this method – usually in the modelling world
A fine art the Airbrush Artist can ‘paint’ photo-like realism in detail.

Airbrush art is similar to graffiti art as the ink is sprayed on under pressure.

Computers with graphic software usually have an airbrush too which are used in animation.

What does an Airbrush Artist do?

  • discusses requirements with client
  • draws up designs
  • makes changes if needed
  • makes up the masks and templates
  • orders the inks
  • airbrushes the ink on
  • touches up any mistakes

Are you … ?

  • very artistic?
  • a good drawer?
  • creative?
  • imaginative?
  • good with colour and colour-blending?
  • detail orientated?
  • a perfectionist?

How do I become an Airbrush Artist?

You could teach yourself through books and online tutorials. 

The main way to improve and become extremely well skilled is to practice and practice … then practice some more.  You have to be passionate about this particular art form for it to be lucrative (money-making).

There are not a lot of Airbrush courses but here are a few to look at:




OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER:   Graphic Designer … or … Automotive / Vehicle Spray Painter

Is becoming an Airbrush Artist the right career choice for me?