Armature Winder
What is an Armature Winder?
You will find wire coils in electrical motors such as in washing machines, drills, vacuum cleaners, generators, turbine engines, fans etc. The coil is a vital part of any electrical machine; if it breaks the motor will not work.
It is the job of the Armature Winder to locate the broken parts, remove them and either replace them with new ones or completely rewind all the coils.
They use various kinds of testing instruments to trace burnt out coils. They work from diagrams that supply details of the arrangement of the coils, the number of turns required for each, and so on. In order to wind coils to the correct numer of turns and shape, armature winders make use of coil-winding machines.
They then check the coils, fit them into motor and generator slots and connect them according to circuit requirements.
Finally, they assemble the motor, taking care not to damage the insultation around the wires, after which the motors and generators are ready for use.
What does an Armature Winder do?
- discussing problem with client
- locating, checking machines and testing coils
- replacing or fix coils
- dismantling machines and cleaning before fixing
- re-assembling motors
- ordering stock
Are you … ?
- mechanically minded?
- good with your hands?
- problem solver?
- reliable?
- technical?
- logical?
- a person who can work on their own?
How do I become an Armature Winder?
There are a couple of ways to approach this:
- Apprenticeship:
4 year contracts between you and the company are signed. These include theoretical training and exams. - Learnership:
Usually a 1 year leanership which includes on-site training both theoretical and practical.
- FET colleges:
Education and Training Colleges (FET) may offer programmes for specific Trade or Skills: eg. Armature Winding.
We advise contacting these institutions directly.
Visit the Career Planet Training Institutions page to find your nearest FET College.
At some FET colleges – 3 year National Certificate Vocational (NCV) which includes completing high school.
Minimum requirements:
- 16 years old
- Grade 9 Certificate but employers prefer higher educational qualifications
Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Mathematics
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic or Boilermaker
Is becoming an Armature Winder the right career choice for me?
See below for more info.