Commissioned Police Officer
OFO No: 134913
What is a Commissioned Police Officer?
- A Commissioned Police Officer is a senior position and they are in charge of the management and support of running a police force in a designated area.
What does a Commissioned Police Officer do?
- plans and draws up budgets
- writes reports
- co-ordinates with other law enforcements agencies and emergency service providers etc
- monitors procedures
- supervises
- selects and trains staff
Are you … ?
- a South African citizen?
- a people’s person?
- organised?
- a good motivator?
- disciplined?
- good with numbers and maths?
- logical thinker?
- cool under pressure?
- a person with strong moral values?
How do I become a Commissioned Police Officer?
You will need a matric and to be deemed medically fit.
Path 1
- Complete your Basic Police Development Learning Programme (BPDLP)
- For more information, click on and then click on the word ‘Police Trainees’
- For more info, look at ‘Career Information’ on the SAPS page. You can download their booklets.
Path 2
- Apply for an officer’s post in the South African Police Service (SAPS)
Path 3
- As you work your way up through the ranks, you will need more qualifications and experience before you reach the top
Officer ranks (Commissioned Officers) include:
1. Lieutenant
2. Captain
3. Major
4. Lieutenant Colonel
5. Colonel
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Fire Fighter and Body Guard
Is becoming a Commissioned Police Officer the right career choice for me?