Crop Farmer
Crop Farmer
What is a Crop Farmer?
Crop Farmers grow the same plant on a large scale for economic purposes for the food and clothing industry.
For example: wheat, corn, rice, sugar, vegetables, fruit, cotton, hemp etc.
Some crop farmers might specialise in other kinds of plants like lavender, herbs, fresh flowers etc.
What does a Crop Farmer do?
- studies the land and deciding what crop(s) to plant
- buys seed and fertiliser
- inspects and services machinery – buying new ones if necessary
- ploughs, mulches and dose whatever else necessary to prepare the land for planting
- plants seeds, seedlings, trees, vines, etc.
- waters crops and/or creates irrigation systems
- weeds and treats crops for diseases
- harvests crops
- transports and stores crops
- sells crops
- maintains financial records
- keeps up to date with the latest methods and research in growth and production
- keeps up to date with market tendencies employing, training and supervising farm workers
Are you … ?
- passionate about farming and the outdoors?
- a farmer at heart?
- patient?
- persistent?
- self motivated?
- flexible?
- a problem solver?
- mechanical?
- entrepreneurial?
How do I become a Crop Farmer?
Most Crop Farmers usually work on their family farm collecting experience and skills through this method. However, if you would like to go into agricultural farming and maybe manage a farm – here are institutions that will give you various qualifications that could equip you with all the necessary skills.
- ELSENBURG: – Cape Institute for Agricultural Training
Offers a B. Agric – 3 year graduate qualification
Faculty for Agri-Sciences
Offers a B. Sc Agriculture – 3 year qualification
Offers a National Diploma in Agriculture
A National Diploma in Agriculture (NQF level 6) presented on-campus
Skills training of new farmers and farm labourers (NQF level 2-4) presented off-campus
Offers National Diploma in Agriculture (extended programme)
- AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLS IN SOUTH AFRICA: (with agricultural subjects)
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.