Agricultural Advisor

If working in the agricultural arena is your passion then becoming an Agricultural Advisor could be just what you are looking for. The Agricultural Advisor develops a strong connection with the agricultural sector in a specific region and determines its farming needs and progress.

Agricultural Economist

An Agricultural Economist analyses economic and social phenomena in the world and its impact on agriculture. An Agricultural Economist should have mathematical skills, be intuitive and have excellent communication skills.

Agricultural Food Scientist

Does a career in solving problems in the production of the nation’s food supply interest you. Agricultural Scientists’ job is to study the commercial farming of plants and animals as well as the cultivation techniques to improve the quality, productivity and sustainability of farms.

Agricultural Inspector

Agricultural Inspectors make sure that all agricultural products are of a high quality. There are 3 main fields in which the Agricultural inspector can specialise: Plant and Quality Control, Meat Inspection and Animal Health.

Agricultural Journalist

An Agricultural Journalist’s job is to cover events, write articles of interest and stories which are relevant to farmers and others in their area. They gather news by observing, interviewing and researching relevant topics/events.

Agricultural Manager

Agricultural Manager’s job is to guide and assist farmers in maximizing the financial returns to their land by managing the day-to-day activities. Their duties and responsibilities vary widely.

Agricultural Pilot

An Agricultural Pilot’s job is to fly small aircraft filled with chemicals or fertiliser which is sprayed over the farm lands. If you have a passion for flying and big, open spaces, then this career might be what you’re looking for!

Agricultural Technician

The job of an Agricultural Technician – to be responsible for assisting and advising farmers, agricultural businesses, rural industries and government regarding production, processing and distribution of farm products.

Agriculturalist – Extension Officer

Do you have a love of nature and the outdoor life and are you able to communicate effectively? A career as an Agricultural Extension Officer might interest you. Agricultural Extension Officers are involved with the distribution of agricultural information to rural towns, who in turn, teach rural farmers to become better farmers.

Animal Production Manager

Are you able to work alone or as part of a team and do you have a love of animals and the outdoors? The job of an Animal Production Manager is to co-ordinate and manage the day to day tasks in animal production on a farm. This might be the career you’re looking for!


Aquaculturists are ‘marine farmers’ who specialists in either fresh or sea water animals and plants. They specialise in raising and breeding aquatic animals such as shrimp, fish, oysters, perlemoen, etc, in a controlled environment.

Crop Farmer

Farmers who grow crops use their knowledge of soils and plants to determine fertilizer and irrigation needs, obtain seeds for planting, prepare the soil for planting, combat plant diseases and insect pests, harvest crops and sell them

Crop Production Manager

Crop Production Managers are responsible for managing staff and workers to produce crops on farms. They oversee and co-ordinate the planting, irrigation, spraying, weeding, harvesting and grading of crops.

Grain and Seed Broker

A Grain and Seed Broker is the ‘middle man’ between farms and businesses interested in buying grain and seed. Grain and Seed Brokers have the responsibility to get the best deal for both the farmer and interested buyers. Grain and Seed Brokers are good negotiators.