What is an Aquaculturist?
Aquaculturists are ‘marine farmers’ who specialists in either fresh or sea water animals. They specialise in raising and breeding aquatic animals such as shrimp, fish, oysters, perlemoen, etc, in a controlled environment.
What does an Aquaculturist do?
- stocks ponds
- feeds fish the correct diet
- monitors water quality
- checks for diseases
- harvests fish
- maintains and services equipment
- researches and implements breeding programs
- sells products on behalf of companies to fish farmers
- researches and teach in some cases
Are you … ?
- a person who enjoys working outdoors?
- a person who loves fish and marine life?
- able to cope with stress?
- able to work well under pressure?
- good planner?
- organised?
- good at data-management?
- decisive?
- flexible?
- a problem-solver?
How do I become an Aquaculturist?
There are various ways you can enter the world of aquaculture.
Training in agricultural management is one way.
See under Agriculture Manager on our website for more details.
Or you can study Icthyology (the study of fish).
A combination of both would be the most beneficial.
Offers SETA accredited Aquaculture Courses
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.