


OFO No: 684911





What is a Florist?

A Florist is an artistic person who creates flower arrangements.  They can make arrangements to sell straight to the public or they can end up designing and creating special arrangements for specific purposes ie hotel foyer areas, corporate events, exhibitions, functions, funerals, birthday parties, weddings, etc. 

A Florist arranges flowers and sometimes other items artistically in a variety of vases, bowls, baskets and other unusual, creative vessels like kettles, old boots, etc.  They will also make bouquets, wreaths, corsages etc. 

Florists will use a range of different flowers + colour combinations together with other textures like grasses, reeds, herbs and other non-flower materials like porcupine quills, bark, plastic tubing etc to make a ‘piece of floral art’.

What does a Florist do?

  • answers the telephone
  • helps customers to choose flowers and plants
  • orders stock and unpacks
  • works out pricing system
  • makes up arrangements to order, as well as, making up stock to sell to passers by
  • makes sure the florist shop is clean and tidy
  • takes care of stock flowers and waters plants
  • researches current trends and creates their own arrangements
  • sets up displays at events
  • designs and changes shop window display regularly
  • delivers orders
  • advises customers on how to look after the flowers
  • keeps up to date with accounts, orders and payments

Are you … ?

  • extremely creative?
  • able to design in 3D?
  • passionate about flowers and design?
  • a person with a flair for colour?
  • cheerful and efficient?
  • empathic?  You need to understand customer’s needs.
  • able to work well under pressure?
  • able to  meet deadlines?
  • a person with a wide range of flower knowledge?
  • good with colour combinations?
  • a multi-tasker?
  • a person with a good, keen sense of business?
  • organised?
  • able to stand on your feet for long periods?
  • able to manage a team of staff?

How do I become a Florist?

No real training is necessary.  You could possibly learn the skills of a Florist by working alongside a good one, training, however, would be advantageous.

You could start by:

  • looking for opportunities to help out at a florist’s on a voluntary basis
  • joining a local flower arranging club
  • attending courses in flower arranging or basic floristry at a college or adult education centre

Here are some institutions to consider:

  • INTEC:  (Countrywide)

Offers many diverse, short courses in floral arrangement


Offers many diverse, short courses in floral arrangement


Offers many diverse, short courses in floral arrangement.


OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Floriculturist … or … Horticulturist

Is becoming a Florist the right career choice for me?