Garden Worker



OFO No: 821401





Other names for Garden Worker:

Garden Services Worker
Lawn Mower


What is a Garden Worker?

A Garden Worker helps private people or garden maintenance companies with the maintenance of gardens.

What does a Garden Worker do?

  • maintains gardens
  • trims and weeds
  • mows lawns
  • prunes roses, hedges and trees
  • puts compost on flowerbeds and in pots
  • sprays pesticide
  • plants bulbs, shrubs and trees
  • removes garden rubbish

Are you . . . ?

  • interested in an outdoor job?
  • interested in gardening?
  • physically fit?
  • hard working?
  • reliable?
  • trustworthy?
  • willing to learn?

How do I become a Garden Worker?

You do not need any formal training.

You can learn on the job.


OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Chemical Plant Worker or Solar Installer

Is becoming a Garden Worker the right career choice for me?