Helicopter Pilot
OFO No: 315305
What is a Helicopter Pilot?
Helicopter Pilots are used by television networks and radio stations to deliver traffic and accident reports.
They are also used for air-taxi services, sight-seeing operations in the tourist industry, mail delivery and rescue services.
In the long run, seniority counts in this profession, so young pilots are advised to buckle their seatbelts, enjoy the ride and keep racking up their flying hours.
Helicopter Pilots can find themselves in a different time zone, climate and culture every day.
Pilots literally have the lives of their passengers in their hands. The physical and mental demands are vigorous. Pilots need to remain calm under pressure, have perfect vision, excellent hearing and good co-ordination.
What does a Helicopter Pilot do?
- fly the helicopter safely
- make sure passengers obey safety regulations
- pack and unpack helicopter
- liaise with clients
- check helicopter instruments etc
- make sure the helicopter is in good working order
- keep a log book
Are you … ?
- passionate about flying?
- co-ordinated?
- a person with perfect vision and hearing?
- responsible?
- reliable?
- able to deal with stress?
- observant?
- self-motivated?
- safety conscious?
How do I become a Helicopter Pilot?
All training and licencing of pilots is the same in SA.
CLICK HERE to learn about the training. Look under the section: How do I become an Aeroplane Pilot?
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Bush Pilot or Train Driver
Is becoming a Helicopter Pilot the right career choice for me?