Petrol Pump Attendant
What is a Petrol Pump Attendant?
A Petrol Pump Attendant plays an important role in the maintenance of a motor vehicle.
Not only do Petrol Pump Attendants add petrol to a vehicle, they also conduct routine service checks such as:
- checking fluid levels
- tyre pressure
- cleaning windshields
Petrol Pump Attendants work at petrol or filling stations.
What does a Petrol Pump Attendant do?
- fill petrol tanks with petrol or diesel
- check water and oil levels and topping up if needed.
- check tyre pressure
- clean windshields
- take payments
- deliver receipts
Are you … ?
- someone with good customer service skills?
- a person with a basic knowledgeable of vehicle mechanics?
- willing to work odd, long hours and public holidays?
- multi-lingual – more than one language?
- a good listener?
- a quick worker?
- someone who likes working outdoors?
How do I become a Petrol Pump Attendant?
Most petrol companies provide on the job training.
Some companies they could work at:
- Shell
- Total
- BP
- Engen etc
Some Petrol Pump Attendant make good money as they are positive and dedicated. Customers see this and reward them by tipping them well.
If a Petrol Pump Attendant shows that they are hard working and positive, the company may put them on training programmes. These training programmes may help them get promotion. Eventually, a Petrol Pump Attendant may, one day own their own garage and employ other Petrol Pump Attendants.
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Automotive Mechanic and Automotive Trimmer
Is becoming a Petrol Pump Attendant the right career choice for me?
See below for more info.