Planetary Scientist
Planetary scientists study the formation and composition of solid surfaces throughout the solar system. They may study a vast range of minerals from the earth’s core to minerals from other galaxies
What they do:
· They study samples of rock, minerals and various ices found on surfaces to understand how their interiors where formed and how they have changed over time.
· Measure sunlight reflected from the surfaces of different objects in the solar system by using telescopes and spectrometers situated on earth or mounted on/to spacecraft.
Since sunlight is reflected differently by various surfaces by measuring these reflections planetary scientists can determine which surface is made up of what material. In laboratories they also use spectrometers to measure reflected light from materials, comparing these measurements to the measurements taken through their telescopic observations in order to understand these observations more clearly. They also use computers to help them better understand the relative amount of the materials found on a specific surface.
Where to study:
Universities: at all universities
Companies to work for:
Universities, research institutes, research laboratories