Tour Bus Driver

What is a Tour Bus Driver?

The job of a  Tour Bus Driver is to drive a bus professionally, usually for a tour company.  He/she carries passengers safely from one destination to another.

Some Tour Bus Drivers work locally (in cities) and others nationally (driving passengers from one city to another).  They drive specific routes according to specified time schedules.

Some Tour Bus Drivers are also Tour Guides.   

What does a Tour Bus Driver do?

  • inspect their bus to ensure that it’s operating properly
  • make sure their bus is clean, inside and out
  • greet their passengers in a friendly way
  • help old or disabled people onto their bus
  • drive cautiously to the destination
  • obey the rules of the road
  • make sure passengers are safe at all times
  • make sure luggage is packed correctly and safely
  • be a tour guide when necessary

Are you … ?

  • people friendly?
  • a good and responsible driver?
  • able to drive in extreme weather conditions?
  • helpful?
  • reliable and respectful?
  • self-disciplined?
  • a person with good eyesight?
  • healthy?
  • able to handle stress and emergencies?
  • able to work shifts?
  • good at concentrating for long periods at a time?
  • punctual?
  • a person with basic mechanical abilities?
  • willing to travel?

How do I become a Tour Bus Driver?

A Tour Bus Driver will need to be in possession of a valid code EC Driver’s Licence and also have a PDP (Public Driving Permit).

Most large bus and coach companies also insist that their drivers undergo a full medical examination each year to ensure that the drivers are in good health.

Minimum requirements:  Grade 8 Certificate, 21 years old or older
Some employers prefer higher educational qualifications.
Compulsory subjects:  None
Recommended subjects:  None
The more skills you have, the easier it is to get a job. 

These places offer Advanced Driving Courses:

  • The Operator Training Centre
  • Emthonjeni Training Centre
  • Bloemfontein Training Centre
  • Apex Group Training Centre
  • Driver Training Scheme at Luipaardsvlei

Some Tour Bus Drivers will also be a Tour Guide. Obviously the more skills you have, the more employable you will be.


OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Tour Guide and Truck Driver

Is becoming a Tour Bus Driver the right career choice for me?

See below for more info.