We need to get my fiance’s qualifications Verified.
We need to get my fiance’s qualifications Verified.
The problem we are facing, my fiance graduated from a College in 2007. This College (and Course)was accredited by Umalusi and Casstheta a few months before he graduated (he enrolled in 2005)
When we went to the Department of Higher Education, they said that they could not attest his qualifications , reason being: On his Certificate it states that he successfully completed the course in 2007 (and not 2009 when the college was registered with the Department) and also because it did not state on the Diploma ” National Certificate in Professional cookery NQF level 4 ,as the programme was registered as such at the Department.
We then went Cathsseta( College was accredited by Cathsseta and Umalusi in 2007, we have letters to verify this), and they also did not want to help , Reason being: The College never registered my fiance on Cathsseta’s database and also because on his Diploma it does not state “National certificate in Professional cookery NQF level 4”
Basicly no one wants to verify that his qualifications are legit.
Can we ask the College to give proof that the course my fiance did at the time, is equal to the course which they are accredited and registered for at the present moment?
All we need, is someone to verify / attest his qualifications so he can start work in June.
Your advise will be highly appreciated.
We have now contacted someone at Cathsseta who has some ideas of how we can solve your fiance’s problem. Please contact us as soon as possible.
We apologise for the delay in replying. This was due to a technical problem.
We sympathise with your fiance’s problem; it is the unhappy consequence of unaccredited institutions taking on students!
Please post the name of the College and any other detail (who you spoke to at Cathsseta) etc., and we will follow it up.
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