Firstly thank you for your time
Firstly thank you for your time, I am currently at a crossroad and have untill Friday (10/05/13) to decide which direction to go. I have my N4, subjects are industrial electronics, maths, electrotechnics and refrigeration. My problem is that the current Tech does not offer refrigeration N5 and I want to do fluid mechanics as well or in the place of industrial electronics. Where can I study Refrigeration N5? Or should I apply at UNISA for a mechanical degree? My direction will be refrigeration engineering. Any suggestions.
Hi. I want to further my career in the technology field
Hi. I want to further my career in the technology field, but i can not do so because I did not do Life Sciences in high school (which I completed in 2012). I want to do a bridging course in Life Sciences. If this can be done, where and how can i apply for the course?
This is a question I am asking on behalf of my girlfriend.
She has done certificates in various skills as a medical technician and has the same skills if not more than colleagues with a degree in the field.
We need to get my fiance’s qualifications Verified.
The problem we are facing, my fiance graduated from a College in 2007. This College (and Course)was accredited by Umalusi and Casstheta a few months before he graduated (he enrolled in 2005)