An Acupuncturist practices acupuncture by placing sterilised needles into the patient’s body in specific areas. These needles are only inserted a couple of mm. Acupuncturists work on humans and animals.
Ayurvedic Practitioner
An Ayurvedic Practitioner tries to harmonise the functioning of the body, mind and spirit of their patients. They compounds made of herbs, oils, minerals and metals to mix into medicine to treat ailments and to reduce impurities in the body.
A Chiropractor is an alternative health care professional. They can diagnose and treat patients with neuro-muscular health problems. They carefully manipulate (move) the bones and muscles with their hands to help the patient.
An Iridologist uses alternative medical techniques. They look at the patterns and colours of the iris (eye) to diagnose patient’s problems.
A Kinesiologist specialises in the ‘mechanics’ of the human body. By studying the musculoskeletal system they can determine which parts are working well and which are not. They will then design movement-programmes to help assist the patient recover or assist them.