Q: MATRIC 2019: If I need to rewrite any matric subjects what must I do?
A: The results will be announced on the 7 January 2020. You can get a statement of results from your school/centre where you wrote the exams. Partial results are available on this website
Rechecking and remarking
You may apply for the re-mark/re-check of your examination scripts. Registration can be done at either the school or district office in the province (all instructions appear on the reverse side of the Statement of Results).
- Closing date for applications: 22 January 2020 for both manual applications and for online applications.
- Fees for re-marking and re-checking per subject:
- Re-mark : R112.00
- Re-check : R27.00
- Viewing of scripts may only be done after a re-mark or re-check of results. The closing date for applications is 7 days after release of re-mark or re-check results. The fee for viewing is R219.00
Supplementary Examinations
- The supplementary examination is available during May/June where you can improve their results or complete outstanding results. The closing date for application is 31 January in the current year.
- Result queries should be submitted within 30 days after the release of results.
- Candidates must ensure that names and identity numbers reflect correctly on their statement of results and report any required corrections to the Department before 30/06/2020
Conditions for entry
- You can only register for subjects which you were registered for in the previous November examination.
- If you opt for the multiple examinations opportunity (MEO) option, you need to complete the outstanding subjects in the NSC June examination.
- If you were absent with a valid reason (medical unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons*) from one or more external question papers, you may register for the NSC June examination.
- If you want to improve your overall achievement status, or only want to improve the achievement of a subject, you may register for the NSC June examination. This includes the MEO candidates.
- In the case where you were absent for one or more papers in the November exam with a valid reason, you have the choice whether to write only the outstanding papers or all the papers.
- In a case where an irregularity is being investigated, provisional enrolment for NSC June examination may be granted, pending the outcome of the investigation.
- If you were unable to write or complete one or more of the NSC November examination question papers for reasons other than illness/injury or death in the family, you may apply to write the NSC June examination, provided that a written report is submitted by the principal of the school to the Head of the assessment body.
NB: Documentary proof substantiating reason for absenteeism must be submitted at the centre of registration to ensure entry to the June examination. The Statement of Results should also be presented for proof of the November examinations registration.
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