Character Animator-Games
What is a Character Animator?
Have you ever wanted to create your own Super Mario or Zelda?
You could bring your own characters to life by becoming a video game Character Animator.
Character Animators get to create characters that people use over and over again in the video gaming entertainment industry.
- Character Animators are in demand!
Character Animators work to create and make new characters that are best suited for video games. Video game animation requires Character Animators to understand anatomy (the structure of the body – like bones, muscles and tendons etc), cinematography, 2D and 3D techniques, and special effects and camera animation.
What do Character Animators do?
- forms visual concepts of new characters
- designs character body features, dress etc
- designs the movements of characters by using animation and camera techniques
- creates the character’s voice
- designs the lighting, environment
- uses creative-art software applications to build characters and their environments
- works alongside other animators and game programmers
Are you … ?
- artistic?
- a good illustrator?
- in-tune with modern video gaming trends?
- a lover of video games / computer games?
- detail orientated?
- an out-the-box, innovative thinker?
- someone who enjoys working on the computer?
- interested in art and design?
- a team player?
- someone with good time management skills?
How do I become a Character Animator?
There are a number of ways to study Character Animation.
Here are a few examples:
- NEMISA: (National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa)
Offers a 3 year Animation programme
Higher Certificate in Animation & Visual Effects
Offers a 2 year Diploma in 3D Design & Digital Animation
Offers a 3 year Diploma in 3D Animation Concept Art
3 year Bachelor of Engineering Science in Digital Art BEngSc (Digital Art)
Bachelor of Arts in Performing & Visual Arts majoring in Game Design BAPVA (Game Design)
The minimum requirements are different for each institution so check with your institution of choice what theirs is.
Here is a rough guideline:
- Grade 12
- English
- Mathematics
- Portfolio of work
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Graphic Designer … or … Web Designer
Is becoming a Character Animator the right career choice for me?