Wildlife Biologist
What is a Wildlife Biologist?
A Wildlife Biologist studies both animals and plants.
It‘s more common, however, that Wildlife Biologists only work with wild animals.
They study the habits and their habitats, with regard to:
- Environment
- Nutrition
- Behaviour and migratory patterns
- Diseases
- Reproduction and populations
- Threats
Wildlife Biologists must study and work with animals, various eco systems and people in communities to accomplish their objectives.
Wildlife Biologists may even be required to assist law makers when it comes conservation policies.
What does a Wildlife Biologist do?
- research and monitor wildlife populations
- study and determine hunting seasons
- develop programmes to protect endangered and threatened species
- educate the public on wildlife conservation
- maximize game quality
- monitor the impacts alien species
- study the impacts of society and communities on wildlife
- enforce laws regarding wildlife
- assist with the removal of a wild animal in built up areas
Are you . . . ?
- passionate about the outdoors and nature?
- interested in conservation?
- scientific?
- physically fit?
- practical?
- willing to work in remote areas?
- organised?
How do I become a Wildlife Biologist?
Most Wildlife Biologists start their career doing a Bachelor of Science (BSc) at one of our local universities.
Once you have your BSc it is recommended you do an Honours and PhD degrees in, for instance:
- Zoology
- Genetics
- Environmental Sciences
- Wildlife Management etc
It will depend on you and what you want to study. Check your local university for their choices.
Relevant Honours degree
Workplace experience
Registration with the SACNASP: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions as a Professional Natural Scientist: (Pr.Sci.Nat)
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.
- SAWMA: The Southern African Wildlife Management Association
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Game Ranger … or … Park Ranger
Is becoming a Wildlife Biologist the right career choice for me?