Do you have a love of geography and maps in particular? A career in Cartography will give you an opportunity to work in the field you enjoy. The job of a Cartographer is to collect, analyse, and interpret geographic information provided by geodetic surveys, aerial photographs, and satellite data.

Climate Change Analyst
Climate Change Analysts evaluate scientific data and do extensive research about the climate.

Computer Cartographer
Do you love the idea os creating maps and working with computers? Following a career as a computer cartographer could be just what you are looking for.

A Geographer studies spaces and locations around the world. They may study physical geography (study of the earth’s surface and natural phenomena) or human geography (study of the relationship of people and places).

Weather happens every day and in every corner of the world. So, if you have an interest in weather and its patterns – Meteorology is the career path for you! Meteorologists forecast the weather. This includes studying all aspects of the weather eg expected minimum and maximum temperatures, rainfall, winds, and any other severe weather warnings.

Weather Observer
The primary function of a weather observer is to observe weather conditions every day at scheduled times, compile the information into meteorological messages according to international codes and transmit it to different centres.