Aircraft Assembler

The job of an Aircraft Assembler will depend on what they trade they study. Most Aircraft Technicians have a mechanical or structures qualification.

Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker

Aircraft Sheetmetal Workers are in demand! Aircraft Sheet Metalworkers manufacture sheet metal components from which aircraft are assembled. They mark off and cut sheet metal according to engineering drawings.

Architectural Metalworker

An Architectural Metal Worker makes steel doors, metal patterns, fixtures, templates and railings for architectural purposes.


A Blacksmith is a professional who works with metals such as iron, shaping them into useful or decorative shapes. Blacksmiths forge iron for industrial, commercial, domestic and artistic purposes. If you’re creative and like working with your hands – this could be the career for you!


Boilermakers are in demand! Boilermakers work in the heavy engineering industry and make boilers, engines and pressure-vessels.
They work with large sheets of metal to make parts for machines and equipment. If you imagine yourself as a metal worker and practically skilled, then a career in Boiler Making is for you!

Die Sinker and Engraver

A Die Sinker works with metal. They use special equipment and hand tools to make or create a specific hole or shape in steel blocks. The ‘holes’ or cavities are used as moulds for plastic manufacturing, coin making, or die casting. Die Sinkers also do engraving.


Can you hear the hooves of galloping horses in your dreams? Are you passionate about horses? Are you good with your hands? If you are, a job as a Farrier, might be the job for you! A Farrier is a professional person trained to make and fit shoes to horses’ hooves.

Fitter & Turner

Fitters & Turners are in demand! Being a Fitter & Turner is a responsible job. It’s quite demanding but rewarding. You get to work with all sorts of metals and machinery. If this excites you – then maybe a career as a Fitter & Turner may suit you!

Fitter & Turner

Fitters & Turners are in demand! Being a Fitter & Turner is a responsible job. It’s quite demanding but rewarding. You get to work with all sorts of metals and machinery. If this excites you – then maybe a career as a Fitter & Turner may suit you!


Goldsmiths design, make, alter and repair items generally made of gold, such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.


A Gunsmith is a talented artisan who works with guns. They are like ‘gun-engineers’. Areas they could be involved in include: design, construction, maintenance, customising and repairs.


A Locksmith is a key and lock expert. If you would like to be the man or woman in shining armour and come to the rescue of others… a job as a Locksmith may be the right job for you! Everyone needs a Locksmith sometime in their life because people constantly lose their keys or break keys off in locks or want duplicate keys made etc.

Metal Fabricator

A Metal Fabricator usually works with steel or other ferrous (iron-containing) metals. You have to be very responsible as it can be quite dangerous work at times. If you’re good with your hands and can handle stress, then maybe a job in metal fabrication is worth considering.

Moulder / Caster

A Moulder or Caster takes the molten liquid (melted metal) and pours it into casts or moulds to create specific shapes.

Tool | Jig and Die-Maker

A Tool Maker creates parts, tools, and dies for use in manufacturing plants. He or she works in a factory or machinist shop. A Tool Maker makes use of different tools and processes to produce new parts and machines.


Welders are in demand! Welding is a very exciting-sparks-flying job! Welding is a mixture of physical and mental work and it used to be considered a ‘man’s’ job. Fortunately times have changed and there are now plenty of women entering the welding industry!