Farmer (Livestock)
OFO No: 612101
Other names for Livestock Farmer:
Feedlot Manager
Game Farmer
Livestock Farm Foreman
Livestock Production Supervisor
Pig Farmer
Race Horse Stables Manager
Race Horse Transport Manager
What is a Livestock Farmer?
Livestock Farmers will usually farm one kind of animal for food (meat, eggs, milk etc) or for clothing (leather, wool, feathers etc).
For example: cows, sheep, goats, horses, llamas, pigs, game, poultry, fish, bees, etc.
Livestock Farmers will also make sure that all the parts of the farmed animal are used, eg: organs are used for medicines like insulin, hooves and horns are used for buttons, combs, glues and knives and the manure from these animals will be sold to make plants grow better.
What does a Livestock Farmer do?
- keeps up to date and researches different breeding methods to ensure strong, healthy stock
- attends livestock auctions and buys new bloodlines
- selects suitable males for breeding purposes
- inspects herds/flocks etc for injuries and diseases
- liaises with veterinarians where necessary
- monitors fields, paddocks, barns etc
- inspects machinery, services and maintains it good working order
- sells stock
- feeds livestock with grazing and provides water
- adds vitamins, minerals, and protein so that the animals stay healthy
- depending on animal – provides housing or shelter
Are you … ?
- passionate about farming?
- a person who cares for the well-being of animals?
- willing to work outdoors?
- physically strong and healthy?
- patient and persistent?
- self motivated?
- flexible?
- a problem solver?
- mechanical?
- entrepreneurial?
- a person with a head for business?
How do I become a Livestock Farmer?
Most Livestock Farmers usually work on their family farm collecting experience and skills through this method.
However, if you would like to go into livestock farming and maybe manage a farm – here are a few institutions that will give you various qualifications that could equip you with all the necessary skills.
Workplace experience (learning and working from the bottom up)
Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 3
General Education and Training Certificate in Agriculture
Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 3
National Certificate in Agriculture (N1, N2 and N3)
Minimum Grade 9
National Certificate (Vocational) in Agriculture (NQF Level 2, 3 and 4)
Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 3
Learnership – Animal Production NQF Level 1 , 2 and 3
Certificate in Agriculture
Diploma in Agriculture (Livestock)
Bachelor of Agriculture (Livestock)
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Livestock) NQF Level 07
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Livestock) NQF Level 08
Livestock Farmers might also study business degrees, animal husbandry, or any other form of skill that might assist them to improve their farming techniques, production of managing skills.
- CLICK HERE to check for a training institution near you to see what they offer.
- Make sure you understand their entry requirements for each course.
- To avoid scams, make sure your institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education.
- CLICK HERE to check accredited Private Higher Education Institutions.
OTHER CAREERS TO CONSIDER: Horse Breeder … or … Beekeeper
Is becoming a Livestock Farmer the right career choice for me?