Analyst Programmer
If IT (information technology) is a passion and you are an analytical thinker then becoming an Analyst Programmer is a career to consider.
Having the ability to process problems for application to electronic data processing systems is just a part of this job.

Computer Auditor
Does combining the Computer and Financial worlds make your day? Then this could be your game.
Computer Auditors usually work for external auditing firms which are hired by a company to audit their information technology departments.

Computer Engineer
Are you interested in gadgets and like to open computers to see how they work and how all the little bits fit together? If this appeals to you, then you would probably suit a career in computer hardware. Computer Engineering could be your next step.

Computer Engineering Mechanic
A Computer Engineering Mechanic is a ‘trade or artisan’ job. A Computer Engineering Mechanic assists with support, maintenance, installations, testing and repairing hardware of computers.

Computer Hardware Designer / Engineer
A Computer Hardware Designer / Engineer is a specialised IT person. They will probably have an IT qualification.

Computer Network & Systems Engineer
A Computer Network & Systems Engineer is a highly trained person who designs, plans and tests computer network system services. They are also responsible for the overall running of the network systems. A Computer Network & Systems Engineer usually has an IT qualification.

Computer Network & Systems Engineer
A Computer Network & Systems Engineer is a highly trained person who designs, plans and tests computer network system services. They are also responsible for the overall running of the network systems. A Computer Network & Systems Engineer usually has an IT qualification.

Computer Network Technician
A Computer Network Technician works with computer networks and data communications systems. They help set up, maintain and fix these systems.

Computer Operator
If computers excite you and a career in the mainframe computer system sounds appealing then considering a career as a Computer Operator could be what you are looking for!

Computer Programmer
Are you interested in the “intelligence” behind the hardware and would like to create software programs or games? If this sounds like fun a career in programming or software development could be just the one for you.

Computer Security Specialist
A Computer Security Specialists are very important IT people. If you’d like to protect your company from hackers, fraudsters, or from people stealing sensitive information from the company etc – then this is the job for you!

Ethical Hacker
Ethical Hackers are indiiduals who have vast knowledge of hacking systems and who nullify security resources to help a company or institution.

Game Producer (Computer)
A producer organizes everyone to make sure that items are done in a timely manner, and coordinates tasks so the team works effectively together.

Hardware Infrastructure developer
Hardware Infrastructure developers are responsibile for setting the required standard of hardware required.

ICT User Support Technician
An ICT User Support Technician works in the IT (information technology) industry. Their main job is to assist customers with regards technology. This can be done face-to-face or over the phone. An ICT User Support Technician usually has a technical / IT qualification.

Do you enjoy connecting different components together to create networks where computers can communciate with each other or the internet. How about a career in Hardware, with a focus on Networking?

Web Developer
Web Developer’s job is to create exciting and functional websites that people will return to. Web Developers work with web developers/programmers to plan, build, and maintain websites either working freelance, on contract or consultancy for companies/government, or as part of marketing/advertising firms.